Rabu, 24 November 2010

My friends are weirdos & retards

First of all... Sorry... I don't believe in "best friend" thingy... =]
for me there's only friends and contacts and no besties... hahaha... well people do change... and besties can change too so i think they're not besties... they're only friends ... and friends come and go.. hahaha..

When u go to the next level of ur life.. like from school world to college world.. u'll find many friends and contacts.. of course some are still young and naive then called me they're besties.. but then again.. sorry i'm not! HAHAHAHHA... and when they knew that i just considered them as friends... they can't accepted it... [ hello? how closed minded are u? ] and then i felt that they're kinda excluded me for no reason sometimes... [well maybe it's just me]

So these are some of my friends:
1. MR.X [ Xsis banget logh!!! ]
- he considered himself as "anak gaol" i think
- Licker
- Copycat
- Too curious of other's business
-  he considered himself as thekindest and friendliest person
[proud of urself? need a crack in the head maybe.. -.- ]

Yeap Mr.X is always try to look nice in front of people.. he considered himself as a role model and has style... one day he told me that my styles are so cheap and suck.. [but lately he's kinda copying my style though tsk tsk tsk -.-]
so 1 day when we were chatting
me: "i love coconut island and mangosteen t-shirts"
him: "ewww they're so cheap and ugly"
and then couple weeks or months later he wore coconut island -.-" WTH
Mr.X always moody all the time like he's having a PMs or something.. well i sometimes really confused bout his gender.. tsk tsk...
Mr.X always diggin up dirt of other's life and then talk about it behind their backs... but sorry he's not gettin any of me HAHAHAHAHA... [GET A LIFE DUDE! MIND UR OWN BUSINESS!] and when i'm not tellin.. he's angry... and because of this he always sniffin aroung my dirt and gossipin bout me in the back [ u think i wouldn't notice? And this why i'm not tellin u any of my stories! HAHAHAHAA ]

he's trying so hard to be bad-boy type as he considered it cool i think... [anak mami ya anak mami aja kalee!]

2. Mrs.X
- Self righteous
- She considered herself as the main attraction
- hard headed
- Always "late" about something that already "happening" years ago
- Angry all the time
- always considered my opinions and saying are wrong

Yeap Mrs X always think that she's the right one and other people that disagree are wrong... always "late" and she just don't even ashamed of herself... and when i'm just saying some info or opinions about something or someone, without  any means of offending her, she always fired me back with harsh tone... like i was wrong and what's my problem with them or like i attacked her with harsh words... 
the question is What is Her problem with ME!? Have i did something wrong?!
is it me or she's just a delutional person?

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Terms & Condition to judge if it's a good movie or not

Well i think i'm writing this for all of u close minded people... who only expect an action and the "bang bang boom" of a movie...
1. with whom?
Yes! u should choose carefully ur partner in watching movies.. 
for example... u're partner is a huge fans of romance and u just got u're heart broken.. then u guys are watching "a walk to remember" -.-" HEYYY it's a really good movie! but for a person that just got broke-up? it's a bull-shit movie! and u'll just end up blabbering to ur fren about the ugly truth about love and then ur partner will rate the movie bad =.=
another example: u're a boy with a whole gang of ur guy friends, and u guys are just a bunch of close minded people that think u're the alpha male of the room.... then u guys watching "twilight" or "harry potter" or other fantasy movie with some romance in it.. duhhhh~~ of course it's gonna be a bad movie for u people!! if u expect the action not the story go watch "underworld" instead! or u can watch "soccerer's apprentice"!

2. How's the mood
yeapp! the mood! it's very important... if ur mood is sleepy or bad-mood don't watch dramas nor musical... it'll make u go for the dirty critics and bitchin bout the movies...
"why!?" "stupid!" "what the fuck!?" that's some examples of the words that might be come out of ur mouth while watchin it... and u'll just be an annoyance to others... 
in worst case scenario u'll be "shhhh" by strangers or even ur partner...

3. physical & mental conditions
for physical example: u're in a condition where u're really want to pee and it's a fuckin longggggg climax of the movie and not a happy ending! end of story u're just saying "crap!!!!"
for mental example: u just got a carcrash and u're watching "too fast too furious"
-.-" do i need to explain it much longer???????

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Sing Lagu [SINGkatan aLA GUe] part 1

1.    Melambai: mellow ampe lebai
2.    Melacur: mellow ampe ancur
3.    Melabrak: melamun ampe nabrak
4.    Betot: bete total?
5.    Melati: mellow ampe mati
6.    Melajang : melamun di ranjang
7.    Mama delon: makin maksa deh lo oon
8.    AncungJempol: anak lucu nggak jelek minta ditampol
9.    Jempol: jelek minta ditampol
10.  Kelingking: keren lincah nggak ceking
11.  Telunjuk: teman culun mudah terbujuk
12.  Gelinjang: geli geli di ranjang
13.  Anjelina: anak jelek lincah alay
14.  Melodi: mellow dan sedih
15.  Kobelita: kon*** besar lincah dan tangguh
16.  Anggora: aku nggak nora
17.  Geliga: geli geli gatel
18.  Melancong: melamun bencong~
19.  Balerina: badan lemah riang jenaka
20.  Algojo: anak lucu goblok jomblo
21.  Gelepar: geli geli bikin tepar
22.  Muda: manusia unik dan aneh
23.  Jelantik: jelek jelek antik
24.  Keriput: keren imut putih
25.  Kelantink: kepo labil nggak pentink / kepo lancai ga penting
26.  Jelajah: jelek ya jelek ajah
27.  Kejora: keren jomblo tapi nora
28.  Selimut: ngeselin tapi imut
29.  Alamat: anak labil mao tobat
30.  tokecang: montok dan kencang
31.  Melilit: melirik lirik genit
32.  Beringin: berasa meriang dan dingin
33.  PEGILO: pede gila lo
34.  ngondek: ngomong nda konek..
35.  Meribet: Mellow mikirin gebetan
36.  Kelinci: keren lincah centil imut
37.  Melanda: melamun dada
38.  Suami: suruhan mertua & istri
39.  istri: istirahat tiap hari
40.  Gemintang: geli geli minta dipegang
41.  Pelatuk: pelan pelan ngantuk
42.  Ketepok: keren minta dicipok
43.  telisik: te2 lincah ber-isik
44.  togepi: tompel gede di pipi
45.  ITB: item tambun botak
46.  BCA: bae cakep asik
47.  klojotan: kalo jomblo cari gebetan
48.  jembatan: jelek2 mempunyai banyak gebetan
49.  kelibet: kepo lincah byk yg gebet
50.  mymp: mari yuk mandi dan poop
51.  Melinjo: mello2 bikin jomblo
52.  Bekantan: beken dan byk gebetan
53.  Merapi: mera mera di pipi
54.  Kerimbat: keren imut minta diembat
55.  Keramas: keren amat bikin gemas
56.  Cuciblow: lucu cakep imut jomblow
57.  Keriting: keren item tinggi
58.  Ekstension: eksis tenar tukang eksion
59.  Sekoteng: pesek sok ganteng
60.  Operet: orang pede karena diet
61.  Keranjang: keren dan lajang
62.  Bokamguan: botak kampung sok guanteng
63.  Olala: oke lajang tapi labil
64.  Nakula: namaku laki2
65.  sadewa: sama dengan wanita
66.  orlena: orang lebay najong

Senin, 01 November 2010

Another movie's commentator!

So... it's been about 3 weeks since EPL [Eat Pray Love! not English primary whateva..] premiered... and i haven't seen it.. bec my mom said 
"ini pelm kalo kuar tar ajak mama nonton ya!?" jadi mao ga mao deh dipaksain ga bisa ntn ama temen walo godaannya beratt cuy... pada kenyataannya minggu2 maren emak saya dan juga saya sibuk sekali... so tertunda2 terus ampe hare ini..

cause of my last bad experience with the DUASATUBIASAK-LAPIZ dengan penontonnya yg super duper kampung...[u can check "movie's public commentators"] jadi gue pun memutuskan untuk ga mao ntn disitu lagih! jadi saya pilih XXI-gading3 secaraa getoo xxi lebih mahal [padahal beti-bedatipis] dengan harapan penontonnya lebih beradab yak... dan punya sopan santun...

jadi jadwal pelmnya itu paling malem untuk EPL cuma 8.15... gue jem 8 masi diruma -.-" nyokap masi senyo depan kaca... 

gue: "ayo ma cepetann tar ga keburuu... blom cari parkir blom beli tiket"
emak gue: "iye!"

lalu dengan kekuatan kaki gue dalam menginjak kopling, gas dan rem... sampai lah kita di parkiran gading 3 dalam waktu sekitar 5 menitan dr ruma [ya emang secara ruma gue tinggal ngesot ke mkg] turun mobil langsung dengan sigap dan jalan cepat menuju tempat beli karcis... abis beli karcis ga pake nunggu lagi.. langsung masuk theater hahahaha... huff untung ga telat dan ga kelewatan apa2...

dapet bangku di tengah2.. pass.. sebelah gue masi kosong... sebelah emak gue tante2 ama om2... mesra banget ewww..... bikin iri... HAHAHAHHAA...
extra2 pilm pun sudah mulai dan pada akirnya bangku sebelah saya terisi oleh 2 wanita yang dandanannya ya ollo... CABO-kelas-teri abis...

gue dalem ati : "uda jes don't judge the book by its cover siapa tau orgnya baik"

well... pepatah itu dengan mudahnya dipatahkan oleh si mba2 cabo itu lho... padahal gue dah positip thinking...
ketika extra2 trailer2 pilm emang lampu masi nyala dan gue pun masi ngomonk2 ama nyokap... die pun ngomonk dengan VOLUME TOA ke temen sebelahnya... gue masi maklum dalem ati "ah tar juga diem lah kalo pelm dah mulai"

Pelm pun mulai lampu mulai gelap... Dia masi ngomong dengan volume TOA lho!!!? sempat diem sebentar dan gue pun lanjut concentrate on the story line of the movie... ga pake lama.. si CABO

"grasak grusuk grasak grusuk!" [ga tau yg die korek tas apa plastik pokoke brisik!]

die sibuk nyariin jaket gitu! padahal gue dah kepanasan ga berasa dingin2nya ac ama skali!... kalo make jaket biasa seh gpp ye... ini make jaket dah kek ORANG KENA CABE RAWIT GA BISA DIEM.. tangan diangkat setingginya... punggung di jaohin dr senderan sejaoh mungkin.. trus masukin tangan ke jaket dibuka slebarnya ampe nyenggol tangan gue... trus balik nyender dengan dilepas kek disengaja di gebrak gitu ampe 3 kali! bayangin!! 3kali nyeder-gebrak korsi cuma buat make 1 jaket!??? LU MAKHLUK GA BERTULANG BELAKANG YAH MBA!? BANGKU GUE DAH KEK KENA GEMPA 3 KALI!

gue dah mulai mengeluarkan lirikan2 membunuh yg memberi kesan "najis banget seh ni org!" sambil geleng2 pala... dan dia ga notice lho!!

ga pake lama abis die pake jaket... die goyang2 kaki kek orang ga sabaran lagi nunggu gitu! ampe bangku gue disebelahnya ikutan goyang... XINTING NIH CABO! pokoke selanjutnya slama itu pelm berlangsung yaa... yg ada gue ke-distract terus ama nih cabo... grasakgrusuk tas lagi lah... nyari popcorn trus makan dengan sengaja mulut dibuka pas ngunyah supaya suaranya nyaring gt... komentar2 ga penting lahh
"eh masa gue beli dipidinya suaranya bahasa prancis!?"
"lama ya! filmnya! lama lho ini!"
"ini di bali ya!?"
"ini si christine hakim ya!?" [HELLO SMUA JUGA TAU ITU CHRISTINE HAKIM!!]

dan 2 kantong itu menyita area parkir kaki gue!! bayangin mao melebarkan kaki dikit pun sulit... gue mao geser pake kaki juga susah... berat isinya!! ga tau tuh isi kantong zara apaan!? gue kira mah die bawa blanjaan dari supermarket gt... eh gataunya pas lampu nya la kantong zara... 

pas felm kelar dan gue mao buru2 capcuz kuar karena ga tahan... posisi tangan ude siap numpu badan buat bangun... nyokap juga dah posisi gitu.... eh si CABO masi blom bediri malah copot jaket ngebungkuk beres2 barang! BUKANNYA TADI DINGIN MBA!!? RIBET DEH LO!!! SITU RATU!!??? gue pun nengok ke nyokap yg sama geleng2nya sama gue... dan ternyata nyokap gue juga sadar drtd tuh cewe RESE nya kek apa...

di mobil..
emak gue: "aduh itu cewe! RIBETNYA! itu mah ga mao nonton dia! dasar GANJEN! dandannya aja dah kek cabo!"
gue: "emank tuh cabo daritadi ga bisa diem! keki!"
emak gue: "daritadi grasakgrusuk ga bisa diem! nyari mangsa kali tuh!"
gue: "iye daritadi nyender bangku aja kek digebrak gitu!"

kesimpulann.... ga ada nonton di 21 or xxi gading lagi deh... next time blitz moi ajahh!!! KEKIHH!!